The Hazards of Noisy Toys

Looking for a last-minute gift for your child this Christmas? Haven’t had time to venture into Indianapolis for a shopping trip? There’s still time…but not much! That clock is ticking faster than Indiana shelves are being emptied of eggnog. Before you buy any (more) toys for junior, it’s important to ensure you aren’t getting them…
Protecting Your Hearing Aids from Cold Weather

With just a few days left in November, winter is about to kick into high gear in Indianapolis. It seems like we go from thawing out the turkey to thawing out ourselves in the blink of an eye this time of year! If you wear hearing aids, you’ll have to take precautions to keep them…
Tinnitus & Sleep Don’t Mix…But They Can

Tinnitus is a ringing or other sensation in the ears that can severely impact a person’s quality of life. People in Indianapolis who struggle with tinnitus experience problems such as stress, anxiety, depression and fatigue. Sleep often proves elusive; it’s difficult to nod off when there is a steady noise keeping you awake. Just ask…
What is an Audiologist?

If you have just been diagnosed with hearing loss in Indianapolis, you’re about to become very familiar with your audiologist. Maybe not exchanging-Christmas-gifts-every-year familiar, but you’ll be spending a lot of time in each other’s company nonetheless, so it’s important to have a good understanding of the many things your hearing doctor does on a…
October is National Audiology Awareness Month

The American Academy of Audiology has designated October as National Audiology Awareness Month, giving audiologists in Indianapolis and nationwide the opportunity to raise public awareness about the importance of hearing protection while educating them on the role that audiologists play in treating hearing loss. Hearing Loss is a Worldwide Problem An estimated 48 million Americans…
Types of Hearing Tests
About 20 percent of Indianapolis residents are experiencing hearing loss. Many aren’t even aware of the problem; hearing loss develops gradually, and we often adjust to it over time as we grow used to hearing less. The volume on the TV creeps up little by little until one day a loved one tells us to…
Hearing Myths That May Be Hurting You

Chances are, you’ve heard things about hearing loss you’ve believed to be true, even though the sources may be questionable. This is one type of “fake news” that can do actual harm – especially if you’re one of the 48 million Americans in Indianapolis who is living with a hearing impairment. We’re here to help…
What Hearing Aid Style is Right for Me?

There are many things unique to Lafayette. One thing not so different from the rest of the country: hearing loss. About 20 percent of the population in Indiana, and throughout the United States, suffers from impaired hearing. Nine out of 10 of those individuals will benefit from treatment with hearing aids. Choosing a Hearing Aid…
Can Hearing Loss Be Prevented?
For the majority of people with hearing loss in Indiana, the condition is permanent. Nine out of 10 patients experience sensorineural hearing loss, which occurs as a result of irreversible damage to the inner ear. While hearing aids help, they are not a cure; once you are wearing them, you’d better get used to the…