Hearing Loss from Meningitis

Meningitis describes inflammation of the fluid and membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord. While it is usually caused by a viral infection, it may also be bacterial, fungal or parasitic in nature. Hallmark symptoms include headache, fever and stiff neck, though many also experience hearing loss. Is Hearing Loss a Common Symptom of…
Hearing Loss & Kidney Disease

Hearing loss has been linked to a number of other physical and mental health conditions, including cardiovascular disease, dementia, depression and anxiety. One Australian study has found another link to add to this list – kidney disease. We discuss this connection below. What Is Chronic Kidney Disease? Your kidneys, much like Belmont Advanced Wastewater Treatment…
How to Get Rid of Tinnitus

Do you experience a phantom ringing, roaring, hissing, whistling or buzzing sound with no external sound source? This sensation, known as tinnitus, is a symptom rather than a disease itself, and it can be difficult to pin down the exact cause. Because of this, there is no cure for tinnitus; fortunately, there are a plethora…
Smokers Are at a Greater Risk of Hearing Loss

It’s common knowledge that smoking affects your lungs, making it difficult to go for a run in Eagle Creek Park, but the habit can also impact your hearing, which in turn can harm your communication with loved ones. A recent study published in The American Journal of Medicine reveals that both current and past female…
New Hearing Loss Technology Translates Sound into Vibration

Imagine being able to feel sounds like the doorbell, alarm clock, telephone or water faucet? Turns out, you don’t need to imagine it.
Insomnia Can Affect Your Hearing

Most of us understand how sleep is critical for both physical and mental health. However, there is a consequence of poor sleep you may not suspect: hearing loss. For those who suffer from insomnia – trouble falling or staying asleep – this lack of sleep can increase risk of hearing loss and worsen tinnitus. It’s…
Signs Your Child Needs Ear Tubes

Ear infections are a common childhood ailment; five out of every six children will have at least one ear infection before they turn three. For most of these children, their infection will resolve on its own or with the use of antibiotics. But for some, additional treatment in the form of ear tubes may be…
What to Know About Hearing Loss and Heart Disease

Heart disease is the number one cause of death for both men and women in the United States, according to the Center for Disease Control. In addition to putting you at risk for heart attacks and strokes, heart disease has been linked to an increased risk of hearing loss. The reason may be related to…
Staying Connected During Social Distancing

The pandemic has made it a lonely time for everyone, but people with hearing loss are especially affected. Most of our daily communications have moved from face-to-face to phone or video calls. Between a lack of reliable visual cues and distorted sound quality, it’s all too easy to want to forego these communications entirely. To…
How Tinnitus Can Affect Your Job

Your career choice can contribute to your sense of self. Unfortunately for those with tinnitus, hearing a ringing in the ear can complicate where they choose to work. A survey conducted at Tinnitus Hub found that 38% of those who have tinnitus say that it has negatively impacted their work prospects. Difficulty Concentrating One of…